Project Tasks widgets

Visualization Type Widget Name Description Entity Tabs
My Overdue Tasks by Project Which projects have overdue tasks where you are a resource assigned to the task? This widget lists all projects that have overdue tasks where you are a primary or secondary resource. For each project it shows the count of overdue tasks and the remaining hours. Project Tasks Project Team Member
My Overdue Tasks by Status You know you have overdue project tasks where you are an assigned resource, but do you know where they are getting stalled? This widget shows your overdue project tasks grouped by their current status. Project Tasks No tabs
My Remaining Hours Due

Do you have enough time to finish all of your tasks that are due this week or next week? This widget shows the number of remaining hours for all of your tasks due during the current week and the number of hours remaining for all of your tasks due next week.

NOTE  The Current Week starts on the First Day of Week defined in your Internal Location. It can either be set to Sunday or Monday.

Project Tasks Project Team Member
My Task Summary Which of your assigned tasks should you be working on? This widget shows you a count of your tasks that are due today, due this week, and tasks that are overdue. Project Tasks Project Team Member
My Tasks Coming Due Summary How far behind are you with your tasks? This widget shows a count of tasks where you are an assigned resource that are due this week and due next week. Project Tasks Project Team Member
My Tasks Due this Week by Status How many of your assigned tasks are due this week and what is their current status? This widget shows the count of tasks, grouped by status. Project Tasks Project Team Member
My Tasks Ending Soon (Next 7 Days or Overdue) What tasks should you be working on right now? View non-complete project tasks that are assigned to you and are either past their end date or have an end date in the next 7 days. Click a task to access its details. Project Tasks My Work
Overdue Task Metrics How far behind is your organization, from a task perspective? This widget shows a count of non-complete tasks that are past their end date and the total remaining hours for those tasks. Project Tasks Project Manager - Tasks
Overdue Task Remaining Hours You know you have non-complete tasks that are past their end date, but how much work is remaining on these tasks? This widget shows you the total remaining hours for tasks that were supposed to end in the last three days, the last 4-7 days, and more than 7 days ago. Project Tasks Project Manager - Tasks
Overdue Tasks by Project Which projects have the largest number of overdue tasks? This widget shows a list of projects that have overdue tasks, the count of overdue tasks, and the remaining hours for each project. Click a project to access its details. Project Tasks Project Manager - Tasks
Overdue Tasks by Resource Which of your project team members have the highest number of overdue tasks? This widget shows a count of past due tasks for each resource. Project Tasks Project Manager - Tasks
Overdue Tasks by Status You know you have overdue project tasks, but do you know where they are getting stalled? This widget shows you which statuses these overdue tasks are currently in. Project Tasks Project Manager - Tasks
Remaining Hours Due

Do you have adequate resources to finish all of your tasks that are due this week or next week? This widget shows the number of hours remaining for all tasks due during the current week and the number of hours remaining for all tasks due next week.

NOTE  The Current Week starts on the First Day of Week defined in your Internal Location. It can either be set to Sunday or Monday.

Project Tasks Project Manager - Tasks
Remaining Hours Due this Week by Resource Which of your project team members have the most remaining work on overdue tasks? This widget shows the number of remaining hours for each resource. Project Tasks Project Manager - Tasks
Task Count - Time to Complete (Last 30 Days) How long is it taking your Projects organization to complete their tasks? This widget shows a count of tasks that have been completed in the last 30 days, grouped by the amount of time worked on the task (< 1 Hour, 1 to < 4 Hours, 4+ Hours). Project Tasks No tabs
Tasks Coming Due Summary How far behind is your organization with their tasks? This widget shows a count of tasks that are due this week and due next week. Project Tasks Project Manager - Tasks
Tasks Completed Last 7 Days by Department Which departments are associated with the most recently completed tasks? This widget shows the number of tasks completed for each department, over the last 7 days. Project Tasks Project History
Tasks Completed Last 7 Days by Line of Business Which lines of business are associated with the most recently completed tasks? This widget shows the number of tasks completed for each line of business, over the last 7 days. Project Tasks No tabs
Tasks Completed Last 7 Days by Work Type Which work types are assigned to the most recently completed tasks? This widget shows the number of tasks completed for each work type, over the last 7 days. Project Tasks Project History
Tasks Due this Week by Status What tasks are due this week and what is their current status? This widget shows the count of tasks, grouped by status. Project Tasks Project Manager - Tasks
Tasks Overdue > 6 Months Which tasks are the furthest overdue? This widget shows a count of tasks that are more than 6 months overdue, along with the number of remaining hours on those tasks. Project Tasks Project Manager - Tasks
Worked Hours - Time to Complete (Last 30 Days) How much time is your organization spending on quick tasks vs. longer tasks? This widget shows the total number of hours worked on tasks that were completed in the last 30 days grouped by the amount of time worked on the task (< 1 Hour, 1 to < 4 Hours, 4+ Hours). Project Tasks No tabs